There is nothing cooler than being in the company of people that read. Last weekend as I went selling my book “The Chess Injection” to famous Malawian Chess sponsor (now stopped), Mdina at his Malawian home in Blantyre, I found him with another man I respect, Frank Chamtaya, the banking guru. After selling the book, the chat that followed detained me for another 2 hours. Why? There were too many new things I was learning from them. It was clear that the guys read.
He who reads definitely stands out. A lot of people shun reading. A person that reads has a working knowledge which is of great use for them and for others. They are always relevant.
The Bible says as a result of reading, Daniel understood from the scriptures that the 70 years of the desolation are over. You see, it took a reader to understand this important point in the Israelites’ history.
Reading keeps you young as you are always fresh with knowledge. You are always relevant. Bishop David Oyedepo said “If you DON’T read you stink”. Somebody also said “a reader lives a thousand lives before he dies”.
What sort of things can you be reading?
Anything that can help you. Be it professional magazines, novels, etc. He who reads is empowered and has something to say. Quoting something you have read makes your story more valuable.
Reading time is also like reflection time. You benefit a lot more than just the knowledge. As Shakespeare said, “Life is too short to learn everything alone, but you can learn from the experiences of others” …so learn through reading other people’s Biographies. Somebody also said “The reading of good books is like a conversation with the past greats”, you tap a lot.
Whole lives have been changed by reading books. If you are struggling in finances, read as many finances books as possible. Whatever area you want to learn about, get books about that. “There is more treasure in reading books than in all the pirates loot on the Treasure Islands”, Walt Disney.
What time can you read?
Well it depends, but reading should be like a culture. Some prefer to read before retiring to bed, some in the morning.Some on Saturday afternoon, but the reading must take place. Give yourself a target on how many books you should read per year or, if you are a student, how many you should read in a school holiday.
Reading also removes stress. As Fernando Pessoa put it: “Reading is the most agreeable way of ignoring life”. You are like in a new world free of stress when you read.
Prepare you children to be readers by cultivating a reading culture in them.
Reading also enhances imagination and creativity, improves memory ,improves vocabulary, among other things.
Not even Television can beat reading. “I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go into the library and read a good book.” — Groucho
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body”. Above everything read good books.
Some more read it quotes
“One who enjoys reading has the ability to tap into the shared wisdom of the past” Ishmael Reed.
“An hour spent reading is one stolen from paradise” Thomas Wharton.
“A wise man reads both books and life itself” Lin Yutang.