One day as I was coaching kids chess at Jungle Pepper, it happened that a certain man came with his son and begged me if I could teach his child chess for free as he had forgotten his wallet at home. I gave him the nod. I didn’t have the faintest idea that I will need this man in my life. But a few months later, when I had enrolled for my degree, on the first day, there he was in front of the class – he was now my lecturer. I was shocked.
Never get weary in showing kindness. It pays off directly or indirectly. Don’t attach money to everything you do. Money will always come to the very diligent. There are some things that you don’t need to charge.
Just as it was freely given to you, sometimes use your talent for free so that those you serve can glorify God. Go out, teach chess for free sometimes, paint for free sometimes, sing for free sometimes. Take people in your car for free sometimes if you can. Well known ethical principles say, you get what you give. If you give out a smile, you will receive a smile. If you give a frown, you will get a frown. Likewise, if you charge everything all the time, you have to pay for everything all the time.
As you give freely, may you also get some things freely in the name of Jesus Christ, even more abundantly.
When you give freely you will be amazed in the grace you will be walking.
The Bible says never get weary in entertaining visitors, for by doing this some have welcomed angels.
Sometimes God will make it deliberate that your breakthrough should come after giving.
Like Elijah and the widow of Zarepath in the Bible. Wasn’t there an overflow of oil?
You never know who you are helping. It could be a prayer warrior who would be praying for you daily.
If you can, try this grace of giving sometimes.
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