Young chess players (male and female) in three (3) age categories have been invited to participate in the 2022 World Youth Chess Championships. The age categories include players under the age of fourteen (14) years (U14), players under the age of sixteen (16) years (U16), and players under the age of eighteen (18) years (U18).

FIDE partners with the Romania Chess Federation to bring this championship to Mamaia, City of Constanta, Romania, with the support of Chess Club Universul and Chess Club Juniorul Constanta.
To participate in this championship, the young ones need to be registered with their various federation as well as having a unique FIDE Identity number that helps to both differentiate them and shows that they are from a valid FIDE federation.
The U14 Category: In this category, the kid has to clock fourteen (14) years after January 1, or below. A kid whose age is fourteen (14) before January 1, 2022 will not be eligible to participate in this category.

The U16 Category: Kids who clock sixteen (16) this year (January to December), as well as those who are not yet close to the age are eligible to participate in this age category. Those who are under the age of twelve (12), who believe they can compete in the higher category are also allowed to challenge in this category.
The U18 Category: Kids who clock eighteen (18) this year (January to December), as well as those younger, are eligible to participate in this category.

Those who are way younger, who believe that they have what it takes to compete in this higher category are also allowed to challenge in this category.
FIDE will be supporting the official players (male and female) in each of the categories. This means that the players representing each participating federation in both the male and female sections of the three (3) categories will have their accommodation and feeding taken care of by the world governing body for chess (FIDE).
However, these players will pay for their flights to the event, as well as the FIDE entry fee of seventy euros (70 euros), while additional players from each federation will pay a hundred and forty euros (140 euros).
Furthermore, the participating player (official and additional), as well as the accompanying persons/official will have to also pay registration to the organizers, which is a hundred euros (100 euros) each.

This payment ensures that each individual receives accreditation and badges, as well as transportation from & to the airport/bus terminus/train stop (from the various terminal locations in Constanta), to the official hotels.
NOTE: The deadline for the payment of registration is the 20th of July, 2022. After this date, organizers reserve the rights to accept or decline registrations.
Additionally, registrations after this due date will attract a late fee of eighty euros (80 euros).The federation leaderships will inform of every needed documentation for the registration.
Technical Regulations

The tournament will be played using the Swiss System with 11 rounds. The national rankings will not be taken into account for pairings. The rate of play will be in accordance with the FIDE rules: 90 minutes for each player plus an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move one. Default time is 15 minutes.
Tie break criteria: a) the games between the tied players (only if all tied have played each other), b) Buchholz cut 1, c) Buchholz, d) the greater number of games with black (un-played games count as played with white), e) the greater number of wins.
No draw offers are allowed before 30 moves by each player, without the consent of the arbiter. All other regulations apply as per FIDE Handbook.
FIDE Officials will be announced later.
Direct Titles Available to Winners Subject to Rating Criteria Direct Titles are awarded according to FIDE regulations in force:
FIDE over the board title norms are also possible for the other players based on their performance and their opponent’s titles/ratings as per FIDE Handbook requirements.

The official venue for the championship will be the Constanta Exhibition Centre in the city of Constanta. There are other official hotels which are available to additional players & accompanying persons, where three (3) square meals will also be provided.

The top three (3) places in each of the three categories (both male and female) will be awarded with cups (champions) and medals (top 3).
Winners in each category will be awarded with presents and special diplomas.The total prize fund (in presents and objects) will be ten thousand euros (10,000 euros).
All the participating players will receive diplomas and t-shirts.Also, the top three (3) federations by general medal ranking (at the end of the championship) will receive a trophy.
The first place (federation) will be determined by the number of gold medals won. If there is a tie, it is broken by the number of silver medals won. With a further tie, the number of bronze medal will be taking into consideration. Finally, if there is still a tie, then the total points of the medalists will be taken into consideration.
Dear African Chess Federations, let us prepare to shake the world again, the way GM Ahmed Adly did at the championship. Let us get more sponsors and partners into our ranks and build a formidable Africa Chess for the world.
Where there is a need for more information and clarification, federation leaders must be contacted. There is also a website for the championship: