In 1996 Garry Kasparov came from behind to beat IBM’s Deep Blue Computer 4-2 in a match. After the match, he was asked, “How did you manage to come from behind?”. He was quick to respond, “I learnt a lot from the first and second games”.
Learning is an important aspect of our survival on this planet earth. In whatever we do, let us keep learning from our mistakes and even from our successes. We need to always ask ourselves how did we miss it, and how we can do it better, so that next time it would not catch us as it did the first time.
No matter how ridiculously hard you fell, never stop learning from your mistakes. Eventually, It will bring you success, if you keep learning. Cut off all the distractions that keep you from learning. Mockers who discourage you from learning must be cut off or kept at bay. It is always better to have friends that are better than you, rather than have friends who discourage you and give you negative vibes.
Even when you do well, never get too satisfied by your performance. Always think of getting to the next level, and the next, and the next. Do research on how you can break into new grounds. Be innovative and creative in what you do.
Some learning can be costly. You may need to enroll for a school, you may need to spend your Airtime bundles, watch videos about the subject matter you want to learn about on YouTube or other channels.
Its never too late to learn. Better to die an inch better than you were, than to get old you remaining the same. A certain sage once said, “He who stops learning has started dieing”.
If you are good at anything, have a critic to criticize your work. Do not see yourself as superior to all others. Be humble enough to learn. Open the doors for criticism. Learning will keep you at the top of your game. Continuous learning will make you outstanding in what you do.
Ask those whom you feel are doing better than you. Learn how they do it. It will make a huge difference for you. Always work at being the better you everytime.
Colin Powel said: “There are no secrets to success, its a result of preparation , hard work and learning from failure”
Angelou also said “Develop a passion for learning, you will never cease to grow”
“Learning is never by chance. It must be sought for with ardour and dilligence” Abgail Adams.
You never know what you are missing out on, until you open your heart to learning.
1 comment
Great article. I’ve learnt alot already after reading it.