I stand here facing them
My eyes sting
From the poisoned air
By my tormentors
Show them a mirrored position
Why can’t they see
My pain reflected therein
If my ancestors were alive
They would be surprised
Because this is deja vu
An act re-enacted
Repeated in a loop
Countless times it shows
I stand here razing hell
My cries ringing
Through the deaf ears
Of my plaguers
I knock down pieces
Thinking to myself
The best defense is attack
Gunfire ringing
My Queenside in tatters
The tension never subsides
But then they say
It’s the best way
To stay in the game
Wild, thought out maneuvers
Turned out to be
A repeated futile struggle
I stand here constricted
Proud horizontally
But still standing tall
Tell my pesterer
“I can’t breathe!”
A minority attack
And my trachea hurts
White pawns closing in
The game is rigged
Or was it my choice?
I received a mixed board
But I won’t go out
No, not like this
I need new rules
If I’m to stand a chance
How else will I survive?
Too many sacrifices
In this mad game
But we still thrive
Because we have arrived
The lone pawns
Standing kneeling voicing
That others may progress
– Cosmos Chipepo
A foot soldier I am
A peasant of little value
Easily manipulated, I was
Sacrificed to fulfill
Greater purposes, they say
I’m the weakest of six
But still, the soul and life
Always in line of defense
Cursed, never to look back
Just keep moving forward
Diagonally, others are captured
I become isolated
With no companion, or support
But as the soul and life
I believe in me
The power of rebirth
I am the LONE PAWN
Firmly against a non-caring opposition
I stand unshaken
One knee down
With a sign of protest in my hand
Centuries past and still
The black pawn is misunderstood
Many were slain
For the same promotion it pursues
All pawns matter
But a black pawn on seventh rank
Matters more than most
All lives matter
But a chess board
With only white squares
Is chess no more
White move first
Black pawns protest
But met with rooks
Quite set to mow
Now here I stand
A pawn dreaming of action
Destined to evolve
Laying all hopes on promotion
I stand alone, a lone stance, against your mighty army. I will not fold under enemy arms!!!!!!
Lovely renditions. Bravo
I believe the line was
“a pawn dreaming in action
Destined to be king (not to evolve)
Laying all hopes on promotion.”
The obvious idea was to link Martin Luther King’s dream with the pawns destiny…editing that jist messed it up Mr. Editor. You do not mess with another man’s art. Its just not right